Are Drones Dangerous?

Usage of the drones has been increasing rapidly in recent years. Once seen as

exclusive products, drones are now a part of daily life, being used in many areas
like entertainment, media, disaster management, etc.
On the other hand, there have been some incidents in which drones caused some
problems, with or without intention.

On Monday, January 26, 2015, a drone crash landed on the White House lawn.
The White House does have its own specific flight restrictions, but the drone
wasn’t easy to detect. Immediately after the incident, the White House went into
lockdown. The US attorney decided not to charge the drone operator, Shawn
Usman, after determining the drone was not under his control at the time of the


A small quad copter drone caused some concern when it crashed on the lawn of the White House. (CBS NEWS)

At the Geraldton Endure Batavia triathlon in Australia, a drone was being used to
photograph competitors when it crashed into triathlete Raija Ogden, causing a
minor head wound, which required stitches to close. The drone operator,
photographer Warren Abrams, claims that the drone crashed after someone in
the audience stole control of it from him.

Drone crash aftermath

Triathlete Raija Ogden was treated for a head injury

On Tuesday, January 20, 2015, a drone carrying methamphetamine crashed in
Mexico near the US border. The drone was transporting more than six pounds of
crystal meth when it crashed in a supermarket parking lot in the Mexican city of
Tijuana. According to the DEA, drones are becoming a common means to
transport drugs over the border.

These incidents show that without proper expertise, or with some bad intentions
drones can cause problems, not only in military but in our daily lives.

References: disasters-that- show-why- the-
faa-hates- drones/