Postgraduate (PhD) positions

We will be accepting applications through the Neuroscience Ph.D. program for the 2023 Fall semester:

Students in our group are usually funded through external research project support and by Bilkent University. We support our students in visiting Giessen University in Germany for about three months during their studies. Applicants are encouraged to show potential to obtain TUBITAK BIDEB 2211 support.

Please forward inquiries to

PostDoc position in material perception and prediction
One postdoctoral position is available in Giessen, Germany, to work on the DFG-funded project ‘Integration of prior knowledge and sensory information in the perception of material qualities’ which is part of the collaborative research center ‘Cardinal Mechanisms of Perception’ (
The successful candidate will join the teams of Katja Dörschner and Hüseyin Boyaci at the Psychology Department of Giessen University. The position is available immediately.
We are part of a larger research group on perception and action with excellent facilities for studying visual perception and motor control and strong links to scientists within Europe and worldwide. The group offers a stimulating, multi-national, and multi-disciplinary research environment for young scientists ( Giessen is a small university town located just 60 km north of Frankfurt, right in the center of Germany.
The position is for a person interested in material perception & prediction mechanisms. Methods include psychophysical experiments, computational modeling, neuroimaging, eye-tracking & Virtual Reality. Candidates with psychophysics-, programming- and fMRI experience are especially encouraged to apply.
The PostDoc position is initially for two years, with the potential to be extended.
Inquiries can be sent by email to Katja Dörschner (katja.doerschner[at] and Huseyin Boyaci (huseyin.boyaci[at] Full applications should include a CV, a statement of research interests, and the names of up to 3 people who could supply a letter of reference. 

Links to the groups of Katja & Hüseyin:

Some relevant papers: