UMRAM of Bilkent University will coordinate a Horizon Europe Twinning project with partners in Germany and the UK. The Horizon Europe project proposal entitled “Twinning of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research Institutes” with the acronym “MRITwins” successfully passed the evaluation phase with an almost perfect 14.5/15 score. It was chosen to be funded with a total […]
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Two Researchers from Bilkent have been selected for funding...
Bilkent University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Faculty Member Prof. Tolga Mete Duman and Bilkent University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Physics Department, Neuroscience Program and Bilkent UNAM Faculty Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer İlday have been selected for funding with a total budget of 4,910,000 EUR in ERC 2021 Advanced Grant Call under the […]
EC funding approves the project FoQaCiA “Foundations ...
Bilkent University will be a partner in the project FoQaCiA “Foundations of quantum computational advantage” funded by the EC within the Digital Horizon Europe calls: DATA, DIGITAL-EMERGING and HUMAN (HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-23). Dr. Cihan Okay from the Mathematics Department of Bilkent University will be the Principal Investigator in the project FoQaCiA which focuses on expanding the theoretical […]
Horizon Europe to fund two Bilkent Faculty
Dr. Burçin Çakır from Electrical and Electronics Engineering department and Dr. Seçil Gönültaş from Psychology department has been successfully awarded a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships grant from the European Commission. Dr. Çakır will focus on chip design for efficient processing of machine learning techniques. It will be an important contribution to output a prototype chip to […]
TUBITAK Supports to Bilkent’s Leading Researchers
TUBITAK will support 4 researchers from Bilkent University in the scope of 2021 calls of 2232-B International Young Researchers Program and 2247-A National Leading Researchers Program/ 2247-D National Young Researchers Programs. Dr. Taghi Khaniyev from Industrial Engineering department and Dr. Muhammed Ömer Sayın from Electrical and Electronics Engineering department have been awarded from 2232-B International […]