The Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) is an important component of the Canadian Government’s development assistance envelope. Reflecting the priorities of the Government of Canada in the world and taking into account the socioeconomic and political context in the region, the CFLI allows the government of Canada to support initiatives from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Syria and Turkmenistan, which fall under any one of the following five thematic areas:
• Empowering women and girls and promoting gender equality
• Promoting human development, specifically in the areas of health, nutrition, and education
• Championing human rights, inclusive and accountable governance, democracy, peaceful pluralism, and respect for diversity
• Supporting inclusive and green economic growth
• Promoting action on the environment, including water and climate change
• Promoting peace and security
For this cycle 2017-2018, the deadline for receiving applications is 25 June 2017.
The amount of financing available is up to CAD $30,000 per project. Larger projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
All project proposals must be sent electronically to the following email address:
2017-2018-cfli_cfp-Guide for applicants and cfli-2017-2018_Application form