Master’s degree: Analysis of the magnetic translation group and investigation of a one-dimensional topological model (Bilkent University, 2017-08)
Research Projects:
We construct a topological one-dimensional ladder model following the steps which lead to the Kane-Mele model in two dimensions. Starting with a Creutz ladder we modify it so that the gap closure points can occur at either or
. We then couple two such models, one for each spin channel, in such a way that time-reversal invariance is restored. We also add a Rashba spin-orbit coupling term. The model falls in the CII symmetry class. We derive the relevant
topological index, calculate the phase diagram and demonstrate the existence of edge states. We also give the thermodynamic derivation (Středa-Widom) of the quantum spin Hall conductance. Approximate implementation of this result indicates that this quantity is sensitive to the topological behavior of the model.
Selected Publications:
Extended Creutz ladder with spin-orbit coupling: A one-dimensional analog of the Kane-Mele model
S. Gholizadeh, M. Yahyavi, B Hetényi
EPL, 122 27001, (2018).