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Marx, Das Kapital

Marx, various writings

Karl Marx, a student of Greek antiquity, journalist, and political activist, has also written some of the world’s bitterest and most thorough criticism against modern economic practices. He saw problems with the economic growth model heralded by Adam Smith and adopted by British and French industrial capitalists. His writings examine the exploitive transactions that occur at every level of modern life: from economic production, distribution, and consumption (Capital), to the factory worker’s life (1844 Manuscripts) and the aloofness of intellectuals (The German Ideology). His proposed solution was for the exploited majority to organize around their deamnds and ultimately to depose the profiting minority. (The Communist Manifesto)

Marx, various writings

Karl Marx, a student of Greek antiquity, journalist, and political activist, has also written some of the world’s bitterest and most thorough criticism against modern economic practices. He saw problems with the economic growth model heralded by Adam Smith and adopted by British and French industrial capitalists. His writings examine the exploitive transactions that occur at every level of modern life: from economic production, distribution, and consumption (Capital), to the factory worker’s life (1844 Manuscripts) and the aloofness of intellectuals (The German Ideology). His proposed solution was for the exploited majority to organize around their deamnds and ultimately to depose the profiting minority. (The Communist Manifesto)