The competition for undergraduate graduation projects, which can be either product solution projects or process improvement projects related to specific problem solutions for industry or applicable for implementation on industry, will be organized. The application which should be done by undergraduate students from the departments of Engineering and Technology Sciences, Nature Sciences, Social and Human […]
EMBO Installation Grants
We would like to remind you that the upcoming deadline of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) program; EMBO Installation Grants Application deadline: 15th of April in every year. For application please click and for detailed information please click
In the scope of Incentive Program for International Scienti...
A new support will be in place starting from 2016 which is “advisor incentive”. In PhD, proficiency in art or in medical specialization areas, advisor incentive will be given to thesis main advisor (first) who are publishing international scientific publications with their students. The amount of incentive that will be paid with this application will […]
H2020 ICT Call Events
3rd 5G PPP Phase 2 Information day and Stakeholders event will be organised by The European Commission in Warsaw on May 18, 2016. The Purpose of this work shop is to share the context of the 5G-PPP call 2 with all interested parties. Draft agenda is enclosed for your kind information. For registration please visit […]