H2020 – ‘Health, demographic change and wellbeing’ info day will be organized on 8 December 2017, in Brussels/Belgium. H2020 Health Work Programme 2018-2020 will be expected to offer calls for proposals with an overall budget of about €2 billion. Draft programme and registrations will follow at the end of September. Related to the Health Open […]
BIDEB International Fellowships
TUBITAK BIDEB announced “2219- International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship” and “2214/A- International Research Fellowship (for PhD Students)” Programs 2017 second application periods. Applications will be accepted via https://e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr/giris.htm web site. Application Deadline; 17/10/2017 2219 Program website: https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/burslar/doktora-sonrasi/arastirma-burs-programlari/icerik-2219-yurt-disi-doktora-sonrasi-arastirma-burs-programi 2214 Program website: https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/tr/burslar/lisansustu/arastirma-burs-programlari/icerik-2214-a-yurt-disi-doktora-sirasi-arastirma-burs-programi
H2020 ERC Information Day
An information session on “Horizon 2020 ERC Program” will be organized by Bilkent Technology Transfer Office (TTO) on September 18th, 2017, Monday between 13:30-17:30. Between 16:00-17:30 there will be 20 min. one-to-one meetings with the interested researchers and TÜBİTAK representative based on pre-arranged appointments. The meeting will be held at UNAM 108. ERC 2017 Training […]
Selim Hanay Receives ERC Grant Considered as the Most Prest...
Asst. Prof. Selim Hanay of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and UNAM (National Nanotechnology Research Center) has been awarded with a European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant which is considered as the most prestigious research funding in Europe. Dr. Hanay will be using 1,5 Million € funding for his research project: “Resonant Electromagnetic Microscopy: Imaging Cells […]