Please kindly note that calls for Science and Society will be open in November. The calls are: 4004 Nature Education and Science Schools Call; For detailed information: For application: 4005 Science and Society Innovative Education Implementation Call; For detailed information: To apply: 4007 Science Festival Call; For detailed information: To […]
H2020 Transport Area Draft Work Programme is published!
Intelligent, Clean and Integrated Transport Area 2018-2020 Workprogramme under H2020 R&D and Innovation Program has been published. In the Related Work Program the main call topics are :Tranport for Growth, Digitalization and Transformation of the European Industry and Services: Autonomous Road Transportation, Low Carbon Climate Sensitive Future: Environmentally Friendly Vehicles. The work program: H2020-SC4-2018-2020
TUBITAK- Slovak Academy of Science Bilateral Call
TÜBİTAK and Slovak Academy of Science (SAS) invite Universities, Research Centers and Institutes to submit joint proposals for scientific research projects. Upon request, TÜBİTAK may provide research support to the Turkish party of a joint cooperation project in addition to international travel support. Turkish researchers need to submit their proposals electronically via call code 2540 […]
ICT 2018-2020 Work Programme
H2020 2018-2020 ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) final draft Work Programme: H2020-LEIT-ICT-2018-2020 First call deadline is expected as April 2018. If you find relevant topics aligning with your research area, TTO will be happy to assist you for addressing the proposal preparation and potential partners. Official launch and networking event, ICT Proposers Day 2017, will take […]
Research Fellowship Program for International Researchers (...
2017 second period, call for proposals in the scope of 2216 Research Fellowship Program for International Researchers Program is open now. The call will close on October 6, 2017. Maximum duration for the fellowship is 12 months. A monthly stipend of 2.500 Turkish Liras. Applicants should be non-Turkish citizens. More information is available: