A matchmaking event with a plenary session and pre-arranged Face2Face meetings for the H2020 Next Generation Internet (NGI) Calls will be organized on 1st of February 2018 in Lyon, France. The NGI matchmaking event in Lyon brings together participants (companies, R&D structures and universities) from several European countries. Participants are invited to collaborate on H2020as […]
Digital Technologies Brokerage Event
European Enterprise Network will organize “Digital Technologies- transforming how healthcare is delivered to citizens” event on February 13th 2018 in Bristol, United Kingdom. This event brings together healthcare, digital & creative businesses and healthcare professionals to focus on the opportunities and benefits that digital solutions can bring to achieve more user centric, efficient models of […]
EuroTech Postdoc Programme
The EuroTechPostdoc Programme is a postdoctoral fellowship programme for young experienced researchers. The four universities of the EuroTech Universities Alliance – Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Technical University of Munich (TUM) – will grant 80 fellowships divided over two calls for experienced researchers. […]
EPoSS Proposer’s Day and Brokerage Event 8-9 February...
The EPoSS (European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration) Proposers’ Day and inSSIght Project Brokerage Event 2018 will take place in Berlin on 8 February 2018. Participants will get the opportunity to network, present their project ideas and get the necessary information on open and upcoming calls. The event will focus on selected H2020 and […]
H2020 Smart, Green, Integrated Transport Brokerage Event Pr...
H2020 Smart, Green, Integrated Transport information day and brokerage event organized successfully on 13 December 2017. You can reach the European Commission presentations through https://ec.europa.eu/inea/sites/inea/files/h2020_transport_info_day_presentations_2018.pdf Brokerage event presentations and list of participants can be reached through: https://www.transport-ncps.net/events-training/brokerage-events/be_downloads/