Five Bilkent faculty members have received Distinguished Young Scientist (BAGEP) awards for 2018. The awards are given by the Science Academy Association (Bilim Akademisi Derneği), established in 2011 “to promote, practice and uphold the principles of scientific merit, freedom and integrity.” The objective of the BAGEP program is to recognize highly promising young scientists and […]
Short Guide on SSH-Relevant Topics in H2020
Net4Society published a short guide on opportunities for researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020. This document aims to give an overview of Horizon 2020 calls and topics with substantial Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects. Document is available through
National Polar Science Program Call
In the scope of the “National Polar Science Program (2018-2022)” research proposals related with Antarctic and Arctic will be supported by TUBITAK. The call deadline will be May 31th, 2018. Researchers will be funded by TÜBİTAK according to 1001 rules. For detailed information about program: Electronic application system:
Research Projects Support from TCMB
The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (TCMB) grants Research projects and academic events organisations in history of economics and central banking fields specifically topics like inflation, banking, credit and money. For Research Projects applications; • Project language can be English or Turkish. • Application will be accepted during two periods each year, 1-31 […]
27-28 March 2018 “BYORK” Workshop
An event about “Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Autonomy, Robotics, Decision Support Systems on Turkish Armed Forces” will be held on March 27-28, 2018 at National Defense University, Military Academy. Your participation status should be informed to Associate Prof. Col. Haluk Erdem on 0312 411 27 27. BYORK_Workshop invitation Workshop program