Dr. Tuğba Bayar of the Department of International Relations has been awarded Jean Monnet Module funding from the European Commission for her project on “International and European Protection of Human Rights” (EUHR). A Jean Monnet module is a short teaching program in the field of European studies at an institution of higher education. Dr. Bayar’s […]
Horizon Europe Grant Goes to Can Alkan
Assoc. Prof. Can Alkan of the Department of Computer Engineering has received a Horizon Europe grant for a project that has the potential to speed up genome sequence analysis. This is the first project grant to go to a Bilkent researcher under the EU’s Horizon Europe funding program for research and innovation, successor to the […]
Achievement of Patent Licensing
A patent registered under the name “Enrichment of Samples Inside Microchannels Using Magnetic Particles” and owned by Bilkent University and Adana Science and Technology University has been licensed to Tekgen Healthcare Services Inc. through the TÜBİTAK 1702 program. The patented technology was developed by Assoc. Prof. Barbaros Çetin of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and […]
Prof. Şule Alan Receives ERC Grant
Prof. Şule Alan, Adjunct Professor of Economics at Bilkent University, has been awarded a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant. Prof. Alan will be using the five-year funding of 2,500,000 euros provided by the council for her research project named “Social Inclusion and the Political Economy of Education: Building Social Capital in Ethnic Diversity.” The […]
BIDEB International Fellowships
TUBITAK BIDEB announced “2219- International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship” and “2214/A- International Research Fellowship (for PhD Students)” Programs 2021 application periods. Applications will be accepted via https://e-bideb.tubitak.gov.tr/giris.htm web site. Application Period: 29/03/2021-28/06/2021 2219 Program website: https://tubitak.gov.tr/tr/burslar/doktora-sonrasi/arastirma-burs-programlari/icerik-2219-yurt-disi-doktora-sonrasi-arastirma-burs-programi 2214 Program website: https://tubitak.gov.tr/tr/burslar/lisansustu/arastirma-burs-programlari/icerik-2214-a-yurt-disi-doktora-sirasi-arastirma-burs-programi