You are kindly invited to the “TUBITAK TEYDEB & Eureka & Eurostars R&D Projects Info Day”, which will be held on September 4, 2023 at Bilkent Cyberpark H Building Conference Hall, organized in cooperation with Bilkent TTO, Bilkent Cyberpark and TUBITAK. By participating in this event, you can obtain detailed information about the programs and […]
Posts in category Event
TUBITAK ARDEB Infoday 21 December 2018
Please kindly note that an Information Session on “TUBITAK ARDEB Programs Update: 1001, 1002, 1005 and 3501 Programs” will take place at Bilkent University. Our speaker will be Prof.Dr. Feza Korkusuz from Tübitak and the language will be Turkish. The session will take place on 21 December 2018 13:40 at UNAM Conference Room.
H2020 Photonics Calls – Info Day 2019
European Commission will organize an info day which will inform you about the photonics topics addressed in the H2020 ICT work programme on 18 January 2019 in Brussels. The deadline for registration is 13th of January 2019. To register please visit the below link: Photonics Info Day Agenda
Clean Sky 2 Call Info Day, 15/11/2018 Ankara
An information day will be organized for the 9th Project Call of the Clean Sky 2 Joint Venture on November 15, 2018 in Ankara at TÜBİTAK. Information about the call topics, legal and financial issues and application conditions will be given during the info day with the participation of Clean Sky 2 JU officials. The […]