- Ahmet Şensoy
- Engin Durgun
Two Bilkent University faculty members have been recognized by the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK).
Assoc. Prof. Engin Durgun of UNAM and Asst. Prof. Ahmet Şensoy of the Department of Management have received TÜBİTAK Incentive Awards for 2018.
Dr. Durgun received his award in the field of engineering science for his contributions to computational materials science and nanotechnology, while Dr. Şensoy was recognized in the field of social science for his studies of “market microstructure, systematic risk and financial networks.”
Bilkent University graduates Sedat Nizamoğlu, from the Departments of Physics (MS) and Electrical and Electronics Engineering (PhD) and Hasan Şahin, from the Materials Science and Nanotechnology Graduate Program (PhD), are also among the 2018 Incentive Award recipients.
The TÜBİTAK Incentive Awards are presented to scientists under the age of 40 who have demonstrated the potential to make outstanding contributions to science at the international level.