H2020 Twinning and ERA Chairs 2017 calls training will be organized on 27-28 February 2017, at Ankara Green Park Hotel by TUBITAK.
Interactive workshops will be organized in order to share experiences of evaluators and successful project’s.
The number of participants is limited so we advise you to register as soon as possible from: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7ntF2Lr8J1NK1cmdEA5JL_aHT8RqVyCEF2FwSi–2bf3bNQ/viewform
Event language will be English.
For detailed information: http://www.h2020.org.tr/tr/haber/twinning-ve-era-chair-cagrilarina-yonelik-odak-calistay